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Preserving the History & Heritage of Lake Winnipesaukee & Vicinity

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Welcome to our Meredith Historical Photo Album. Enjoy browsing this collection of photos and check back every so often. More will be added whenever possible. If you have historic Lakes Region photos you would like to donate to the Lake Winnipesaukee Museum, we would love to speak with you! Contact 603-366-5950 or info@lwhs.us.
Click on any image to enlarge it and read its caption.
Meredith Historical Map, c. 1889
Meredith, NH, c. 1975
Main Street, Meredith from Waukewan Street c. 1910.
Loch Haven Inn on Lake Winnipesaukee, Meredith c. 1930
Meredith Public Library and Baptist Church, 1905.
Meredith High School in the 1960s

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